Besides the experiments for me as a product designer, I’m also trying to reflect myself into my apartment. My apartment is simple, small and white. A lot of white as you may’ll see in the series of textures. I would like to see a bit more color in my interior.
As a designer, I do a lot of experiments. On this blog, I show you the results of my experiments. Not all of them, only the failed ones. On the internet we can find successful experiments everywhere. You can’t do only successful experiments. Then, doing experiments and research wouldn’t be so interesting. I like my failures and I would like to share them with you.
This experiment was for my apartment. I love fresh herbs and vegetables. The problem is, I don’t have a garden, not even a balcony. So the fresh vegetables, I have buy on the market. The herbs, I tough, should be possible to let grow inside the house. So, I bought some small planters and some herbs.
My basil plant is doing it well for weeks already. That makes me really proud. My current chives is doing pretty good, after I had the last one drowned. My parsley plants do not grow very well. They are just not as green as they should be. When I threw the last one away, I was pretty confident for the new one. After a few days it started to look like…uhm.. just take a look at the photos.
Meanwhile, I know the cause of the problem. A parsley plant needs to stand in a big planter, in the shadow. My planter is really small, because I had the idea of placing the herbs in my windowsill, behind my window in the full sun during the day. So… that should be the second reason of my sad looking parsley.
So today’s lesson: First google a plant, before you place them somewhere inside or outside.
Thanks for reading about my almost dead parsley.