Mission failed: knitting

As a designer, I do a lot of experiments. I also really enjoy doing it. On this blog, I show you the results of my experiments. Not all of them, only the  failed ones. On the internet we can find successful experiments everywhere. You can’t do only successful experiments. Then, doing experiments and research wouldn’t be so interesting. I like my failures and I would like to share them with you.

One of my failures was the idea of start knitting. I had an idea of a lamp with a knit. So, I bought knitting needles and wool.  I read some things about it and decided to watch some youtube-tutorials. It could not be that hard, right?

Actually, it was hard. For me at least. After about an hour and a half I got so frustrated… Every almost blind grandma can knit whole sweater in a few days, without youtube! And I can’t even knit the most simple knit stitch. The whole idea of start knitting made me so sad.

See the result of TWO evenings and a lot of frustrations. It’s okay, you may laugh.